The Youth Activity Council, or YAC, returns to Elmira High School in partnership with Orchid Health to help connect the students of Elmira with the community and promote public health.
Orchid Health is a local rural health care clinic located in the Elmira High School parking lot. They excel in school-based work by focusing on relationships and connections with their clients, making it easier for teenagers to get the help they need and feel more comfortable about it.
Elmira High School, along with staff from Orchid Health like AJ Britt are working hard to connect the students with the surrounding community and give them an insight on what life looks like in the workforce.
The main focus of YAC is to close the gap between students and the local health care system. Orchid Health brings the students together on a Tuesday every 2 or 3 weeks in Doscher’s classroom.
The club also aims to give the students an insight on their future. YAC helps students get job shadows and find connections that may help them figure out what they want to do for the rest of their life.
“I’m very excited to job shadow nurses and learn about the jobs that I’ve been interested in my whole life,” senior Garrett Summers said.
The club saw a big change this year with EHS teacher Chris Doscher taking over as advisor for the club from Bo Highburger who advised the last couple years.
“It’s nice to be able to provide a space for these students to get together and connect with our local health care clinic,” Doscher told Falcon News.