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EHS Shop Teacher David Johnson Rolls to Work Each Morning

Shop teacher David Johnson uses a forklift to get to school some mornings. (Photo by Ricardo Cervantez / Falcon News)

EHS shop teacher David Johnson makes his way to school with very unique modes of transportation.

The shop teacher shows off his longboard skills. (Photo by Ricardo Cervantez / Falcon News)

Since Johnson only lives a half-mile away, he uses a longboard, bicycle, forklift, tractor, truck and he will sometimes walk as well.

His favorite way to come to school is by longboard. 

“It helps me with my balance,” Johnson told Falcon News. “Downside is weather. It’s kind of hard to do the longboard in the rain.”

Johnson adds that he has never fallen off of his longboard while coming to school.

He uses several different modes of transportation because it saves money, it gives him good exercise, and it preserves the time his own car will run.

Johnson walks most of the time if he needs to bring things to school because it is easier to carry them. He will take other vehicles if they need work done on them at the school shop.