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EHS Seniors Give Advice to Underclassmen

Question: What is your general advice for high school?

Michael Brown: “Don’t procrastinate because it’s not gonna help you in your future, but if you do procrastinate make sure you work your hardest to get your stuff turned in on time and get a good grade on it.”

Joshua Morales-Castro: “Do your homework before living life.”

Caleb Johnson: “Don’t be sad all the time.”

Alex Glenzer: “Actually do your work. Wake up in the morning at a good time, go to bed at a good time.”

Alivia Tupper: “I would say you should just get your work done right away and do not procrastinate, trust me it will all work out.”

Luke Wolgamott: “Don’t be a hoodrat.”

Jacob Janeczko: “Stay motivated and do your homework.”

Antonio Turtura: “Be careful with the friendships you make.”

Tryston Rogers: “Find a homework plug.”

Caleb Taubr: “Stay on your grades. Don’t get behind.”

Cody Nix: “Do your work. Don’t die.”

Noah Olmstead Kiser: “If you’re late to class, don’t run. You’re already late and look stupid.”

Emili McCall: “Involve yourself with whatever you can.”

Q: What is your general advice for life?

Michael: “It does get easier as you grow. Obviously there’s some hardships, but it’s not the end of the world.”

Joshua: “Never give up.”

Caleb: “Stay away from drugs.”

Alex: “Stick around people that actually lift you up instead of put you down all the time. It’s easier to get out of a hole if you’re never in it in the first place.”

Alivia: “Try and try again, you might not succeed the first time you try something, but if you practice, you can become good at anything.”

Luke: “Don’t be a hoodrat.”

Jacob: “Do your best to make good memories.”

Antonio: “Stay on the grind.”

Tryston: “Lift heavy circles.”

Caleb: “Put yourself before others.”

Cody: “Don’t do drugs. Get a job.” 

Enrico: “Go to the gym.” 

Jesus: “Keep surviving.”

Noah: “Get fuzzy glasses.”

Tanner: “Get an imaginary best friend.”

Emili: “Be your own entertainment, if you can’t laugh at yourself you’ll be miserable.”

Q: What is your favorite memory from high school?

Michael: “My favorite memory was getting to meet all of my friends in high school because elementary and middle school was hard for me.”

Joshua: “U.S. History with Mr. Bellingham.”

Caleb: “Exploring the school.”

Alex: “Probably being a part of drama club.”

Alivia: “My favorite memory was being in as many art classes I could and being able to cool off while expressing myself via art.”

Luke: “Being a four year starter on varsity for football and wrestling.”

Jacob: “The camping trip after the last day of school with friends.”

Antonio: “Car hide and seek.”

Tryston: “Lifting heavy circles.”

Caleb: “The senior class dance.”

Cody: “All the football games.”

Enrico: “Wednesday after school during wrestling.”

Q: What is your biggest regret in high school?

Michael: “I think high school has been an overall good enough experience to not really have very many regrets.”

Joshua: “Not living life to the fullest.”

Alex: “Being a pessimist and failing my freshman year.”

Alivia: “My biggest regret was not being as social as I hoped.”

Luke: “Being a hoodrat.”

Jacob: “Not trying my best in school my freshman year.”

Antonio: “Making friends with a certain someone.”

Tryston: “Getting in trouble too much.”

Caleb: “Slacking off my freshman year.”

Cody: “Not going to the away games.”

Enrico: “Not doing all my homework.”

Jesus: “Nothing.” 

Noah: “Thinking anyone cared about who I am or how I look.” 

Emili: “Maybe moving schools, but I have no regrets because I built something here anyway.”

Q: What is something you wish was different about high school?

Michael: “I wish people wanted to go to school because a lot of people hate school so much. I hope at some point people appreciate what school can do for you.”

Joshua: “COVID.”

Alex: “I wish that we didn’t have to have two weeks off back in 2019.”

Alivia: “I wish I hadn’t have had to miss so much school because of COVID.”

Luke: “I wish people weren’t so immature.”

Jacob: “I wish we had a better football field.”

Antonio: “A better main gym.”

Tryston: “The cafeteria food.”

Caleb: “I wish COVID didn’t affect our schooling as much as it did.”

Noah: “That money was put into the heating system.”

Emili: “The COVID break.”

Q: What is something you miss from when you were an underclassmen?

Michael: “I miss how easy it was because a lot of these underclassmen don’t understand how easy their classes are.”

Joshua: “The struggle of what is next in life.”

Caleb: “Catcalling seniors.”

Alex: “Nothing, man.”

Alivia: “I miss not having to have as much responsibility and weight on my shoulders.”

Luke: “I miss my friends from freshman year.”

Jacob: “Playing Xbox during school.”

Antonio: “Being carried in sports.”

Tryston: “Riding the bus.”

Caleb: “The excitement of high school.”

Cody: “Absolutely nothing.” 

Enrico: “The experience of high school.” 

Jesus: “Watching Netflix with William Walton.” 

Noah: “Absolutely nothing.” 

Emili: “I miss not having the weight of graduating and thinking that high school will last forever.”

Q: Who is someone you miss from when you were an underclassmen?

Michael: “I miss a lot of upperclassmen because I tended to befriend a lot of the upperclassmen.”

Joshua: “No one.”

Caleb: “Mason L.”

Alex: “I miss Ms. Nicole, the librarian.”

Alivia: “I wish we had more time with the previous freshman English teacher before she quit.”

Luke: “I miss my friend Nat.”

Jacob: “No one.”

Caleb: “Mason L, Corbin, Dylan, Sam, and Nat.”

Cody: “My friend.”

Enrico: “Camden Levine.”

Jesus: “Lana Rhoades.”

Noah: “No one people are fake but food is forever.”

Tanner: “Jesus.”

Emili: “I miss all of my Arizona friends.”