Elmira High School’s student-led Sources of Strength team is launching its spring campaign next week, May 15-19.
It will be a Spirit Week of sorts, with a special focus on Tuesday and Thursday, and an assembly on Wednesday.
Monday: Students are encouraged to wear white to start off the week with “a blank slate.”

Tuesday: Students are encouraged to wear yellow, which represents positive friends. There will be an additional homeroom on this day, where students will do an activity centered on the Sources of Strength wheel. A giant wheel was created by art teacher Tom Edmunson. Students will identify their own strengths pertaining to the wheel.
The wheel has eight parts, including:
- Mental health
- Family support
- Positive friends
- Mentors
- Healthy activities
- Generosity
- Spirituality
- Physical health
Wednesday: Students are encouraged to wear pink because many students have been wanting a “pink out” day. There will also be a BIP assembly on this day, with games, a Hi-Q tournament, awards, and a Sources of Strength shirt handout.
“Everybody’s getting a shirt,” Principal Rick Gardner said.
Thursday: Students are encouraged to wear green to represent mentors. There will be an additional homeroom on this day. Students will be given leaf sticky notes where they will write what their mentor has done for them.
Friday: Students are encouraged to wear their Sources of Strength shirt.
More information and instruction for the activities will be provided each day.
“I think more than anything we want to raise awareness of what Sources of Strength is to the greater school community and make sure that we give the students a fun and positive experience for the week,” Gardner said. “Hopefully, we can use this week to build momentum for next year and get another group of kids interested in getting trained as well.”
Here’s the bell schedule for Tuesday and Thursday:
1st Period: 8:25-9:15 a.m.
2nd Period: 9:20-10:07 a.m.
SOS Homeroom: 10:12-10:33 a.m.
3rd Period: 10:38-11:25 a.m.
4th Period: 11:30 a.m.-12:17 p.m.
Lunch: 12:17-12:47 p.m.
5th Period: 12:52-1:39 p.m.
6th Period: 1:44-2:31 p.m.
7th Period: 2:36-3:20 p.m.
Here’s the bell schedule for Wednesday:
1st Period: 8:25-8:55 a.m.
2nd Period: 8:59-9:29 a.m.
BIP Assembly: 9:33-10:10 a.m.
3rd Period: 10:14-10:44 a.m.
4th Period: 10:48-11:18 a.m.
5th Period: 11:22-11:52 a.m.
Lunch: 11:52 a.m.-12:22 p.m.
6th Period: 12:26-12:56 p.m.
7th Period: 1-1:30 p.m.
The Sources of Strength club made its introduction to the school with presentations given in homerooms before spring break.
There are many students involved in Sources of Strength, including Jackson Alansky, Sienna Brown, Jude Carman, Maritza Espinoza, Katie Geiger, Alex Glenzer, Karis Price, Ananda Puff, Samuel Robertson, Johnny Ruby, Beckham Scadlock, Ariel Stafflund, Josh Sweet, Sal Thomas, Theo Turner, Fern Valle Arvizu and Tristam Woods.
The Sources of Strength is spearheaded by Mr. Gardner with help from teachers Emmy Erwin, Michelle Nelson, Jennifer Snider and DesiRae Wright-Rendon and counselors Brittany McMillan and Court Wirth.