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Tips for Making — and Keeping — Resolutions for the New Year

With the beginning of a new year, resolutions are in the making.

Common resolutions include, “I’m going to go to the gym more,” “I’m going to eat healthier,” “I’m going to be kinder” and “I’m going to spend my money more wisely.” Some people make the same resolutions year after year, and some know deep down that they won’t be very successful.

Here are a few tips:

1. Plan. A calendar on your phone or a pen and paper planner are great ways to get things done, whether it’s working out three times a week or scheduling your weekly trip to your favorite retail store. Planning can make a big difference if actually done.

2. Motivation. Motivation is one of the strongest emotions and mindsets to help get things
done. Find a way to motivate yourself, whether it’s a reward once you’ve gotten to a
certain point or constantly working toward the better.

3. Reasonable goals. Setting goals is a great thing to do. It helps you work toward a
certain thing worth achieving, but make sure your goals are in sight. Don’t try to conquer
the whole mountain all at once; work your way up, and then give yourself a minute to
achieve and appreciate what you accomplish. Setting reasonable goals helps you feel
the achievement more often and gives more motivation overall. Instead of trying to go
from never going to the gym to going to the gym five days a week, try going one or two days a
week until you are able to consistently do that and so on.

Though January is the month for new beginnings and motivation, make sure that in order for
success you give yourself reminders and set aside specific days and times to accomplish things. Make sure you have reasonable goals set. Make sure that you take a moment to acknowledge the fact that you were able to accomplish that goal. But don’t forget to set new goals, and continue to achieve the goal that’s been set for years.