It’s not an act: The Elmira High School Drama Club is back after more than a decade!
Junior Alex Glenzer is among a couple of students credited with leading the effort, passing around a petition to gain support from students and staff to restart the club. English teacher Michelle Nelson and social studies teacher DesiRae Wright-Rendon are the club’s advisers.
More than 25 students showed up to the club’s first meeting, and there were others who couldn’t attend but said they wanted to be part of Drama Club, according to Nelson.
The club has been working to clean out and organize the theater rooms. There are dozens of totes containing costumes and accessories, and there are props to organize as well.
“It’s a big project, but we’re making progress,” Nelson said.
The drama club also plans to hold a Winter Showcase in February. Club members will perform songs and skits, recite poems, showcase costume designs and more.
The club also is planning a spring production, but the details haven’t been determined. Stay tuned!
The club meets every Thursday from 3:30 p.m. until about 4 p.m. in the EHS theater. All students are welcome! For more information, see or email Nelson or Wright-Rendon.