In the front office of Elmira High School, secretary Tammara Eutsler helps students, families, teachers, staff and admin with almost anything and everything.
Frequently called Tammy by staff and students alike, she puts together the morning announcements, answers phone calls, puts in attendance, helps students in the health room and copy room, orders supplies and coordinates awards night, but those are just a few of her many roles.
“I had been volunteering at the elementary school and I really enjoyed working with the students, so that’s why I wanted to work in the schools,” Eutsler told Falcon News. “Plus, I liked having the same days off as my kids, and I loved being able to be at home during the summer with my boys.”
Eutsler began working as a secretary for the Fern Ridge School District in 2011 at Elmira Elementary. In 2018, she moved to Fern Ridge Middle School and then started to work at Elmira High School in June of 2021.
“I enjoy working with all of our students, I like when I can be helpful. I love the staff I work with. We have the most wonderful Admin Team,” she said. “I like coming to work every day.”
Eutsler described many fond memories working throughout the school district, but one stood out.
“My favorite memory is the day we honored Ms. Saint,” Eutsler said. “Seeing how happy she was, seeing all of the students in pink, knowing how much she was loved, that was a good day!”
Eutsler grew up in Upland, California, near Los Angeles. During her ninth grade year of high school she worked as a waitress at her local coffee shop called Coco’s. After graduating from Upland High School, Eutsler attended The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM) in Los Angeles as a Design and Merchandising Major.
“I did merchandising work for a college friend when I lived in Switzerland for a year, but after that I would have needed to move to New York to follow that career path,” she said, “but that’s when I met my husband and I chose him over New York.”
Eutsler and her husband Mark have been married for 30 years. They have two sons, Cody and Ethan. Cody is an EHS graduate and is attending his second year at OSU. Ethan is a senior at EHS.
Eutsler was also asked about what she likes to do with time off.
“I enjoy traveling!” Eutsler said. In fact, she said that if she won the lottery she would travel as much of the world as possible.
She has a 5th wheel trailer and her and her husband try to do as many trips as possible.