Elmira High School’s girls soccer team had its senior night on Oct. 19, recognizing four seniors: team captains Iris Frome and Jade Jones, Ailea Hogue and Alexis Loewen.

The Falcons battled Pleasant Hill, but they were unable to come up with the win, losing 0-1.
Head coach Maddy Lee had special things to say about each of her senior girls.
For Frome, Lee said: “I have had the honor of coaching Iris for about 5.5 years. In those years, I have gotten to see Iris go from playing a wing on her co-ed middle school team to commanding her high school team from the midfield. Iris is a team captain, and if you’ve seen her play, it’s obvious why. She is a role model for her teammates technically and by her high work ethic from whistle to whistle. She can thread a ball like no other and is an overall talented player. Iris is brilliant and so passionate about everything that she does and it shows. She demands excellence from herself and it spreads to those around her.”
Continuing on to Jones, Lee said: “Jade Jones has made the defensive line her home since she was 12. Quick decision-making on the field is a skill that Jade has mastered, making her a successful center-back. Her ability to communicate with her teammates on and off the field is what has made her a good team captain. Jade is one of the most thoughtful young ladies I have gotten to coach, always thinking of her teammates and coaches. She is wise beyond her years, and I can’t wait to see what Jade Jones does next.”

When talking about Hogue, Lee said: “Ailea has been with me since she was about 12, when I was coaching at the middle school level. She has played all over the field for me in her career with me: outside-back, center-back, wing, striker and midfield. Of all those, she shined in the back line. Her patience, speed and ability to read a pass before it’s made gave her the correct skill set to be a killer outside-back. Ailea wears her heart on her sleeve and loves her people and teammates so big. She plays soccer and lives with her whole heart every time.”
Lee finished with praise for Loewen, saying: “I had the privilege of being the first and last coach Alexis will ever have in her youth. Her growth in the game of soccer was so great that I actually forgot that this was only her second year of the sport. She made herself an integral part of my time. She played that outside backline by being scrappy and aggressive. While I didn’t get to spend as much time with Alexis as the other seniors, I still got to know the strong, stubborn, and caring person she is. She will battle tooth and nail both on the field and for what she believes in.”
Asked about her favorite soccer memory, Frome said, “I loved the 6 vs. 6 tournament in Junction City.”

She continued, adding, “Maddy has been my coach for six years now, and my favorite memory was learning that she would be my high school coach after we had left middle school.”
What Frome will miss the most about her soccer career is “the girls and how much I laughed at every single practice.”
The team captain’s advice to younger players is, “Don’t get down on yourself, you are always going to improve.”
Jones described her favorite team memories: “There are too many to count, but it’s between getting my captains band and a play me and my center back had when it was my first high school year. We swapped positions and everything in that moment just felt right.”
Jones recalls her best memory with the head coach: “When my mother got surgery and we thought I would have to quit because I didn’t have rides to and from practices and games, but Maddy immediately offered to take me and we carpooled for the rest of the year.”
Jones’ advice for younger players is to “keep working hard, even when it feels like too much. Your coaches notice your hard work, and get comfortable with being uncomfortable! Also, drink your pickle juice.”
Hogue said her favorite memory was “when we went to play-ins my sophomore year and hugging my coach Maddy Lee at the end of the game, both us of crying since it was our last game of the season.”
She told Falcon News that this was her favorite year of soccer.
“It has been a great season so far, winning more games this season than in the past two years. Our team has improved in so many ways, and it has made this season the best one yet personally.”

Hogue had a lot to say about her coach.
“I could name over 100 favorite memories with my coach Maddy, but if I had to pick a favorite one it would be … her helping me get back to how I used to be after my knee surgery. She picked me up when I fell down and helped me through the recovery process. I am so thankful for that.”
Her advice to younger and future players is: “Through all the challenges, you just need to push through and think of how it will help you get better. To understand that you are improving even if you don’t notice it, other people are and always do your best no matter what. The coaches are there to support you, teach you, and help you grow.”
Loewen’s favorite memory was “going to Taco Bell after away games.”
Her advice to younger players is “to never give up.”